Use this list of U.S. Presidents to help you keep all of the names and dates straight for your next history exam... or Jeopardy appearance.
# President Term Party Vice-President
1. George Washington 1789-1797 Federalist John Adams
2. John Adams 1797-1801 Federalist Thomas Jefferson
3. Thomas Jefferson 1801-1809 Democratic-Republican Aaron Burr (1801-1805);
George Clinton (1805-1809)
4. James Madison 1809-1817 Democratic-Republican George Clinton (1809-1812);
Elbridge Gerry (1813-1814)
5. James Monroe 1817-1825 Democratic-Republican Daniel D. Tompkins
6. John Quincy Adams 1825-1829 Democratic-Republican John C. Calhoun
7. Andrew Jackson 1829-1837 Democrat John C. Calhoun (1829-1832);
Martin Van Buren (1833-1837)
8. Martin Van Buren 1837-1841 Democrat Richard M. Johnson
9. William Henry Harrison 1841 Whig John Tyler
10. John Tyler 1841-1845 Whig None
11. James Knox Polk 1845-1849 Democrat George M. Dallas
12. Zachary Taylor 1849-1850 Whig Millard Fillmore
13. Millard Fillmore 1850-1853 Whig None
14. Franklin Pierce 1853-1857 Democrat William R. King
15. James Buchanan 1857-1861 Democrat John C. Breckinridge
16. Abraham Lincoln 1861-1865 Republican Hannibal Hamlin (1861-1865);
Andrew Johnson (1865)
17. Andrew Johnson 1865-1869 Democrat None
18. Ulysses Simpson Grant 1869-1877 Republican Schuyler Colfax (1869-1873);
Henry Wilson (1873-1875)
19. Rutherford Birchard Hayes 1877-1881 Republican William A. Wheeler
20. James Abram Garfield 1881 Republican Chester A. Arthur
21. Chester Alan Arthur 1881-1885 Republican None
22. Grover Cleveland 1885-1889 Democrat Thomas A. Hendricks
23. Benjamin Harrison 1889-1893 Republican Levi P. Morton
24. Grover Cleveland 1893-1897 Democrat Adlai E. Stevenson
25. William McKinley 1897-1901 Republican Garret A. Hobart (1897-1899);
Theodore Roosevelt (1901)
26. Theodore Roosevelt 1901-1909 Republican Charles Warren Fairbanks (1905-09)
27. William Howard Taft 1909-1913 Republican James S. Sherman (1909-1912)
28. Woodrow Wilson 1913-1921 Democrat Thomas R. Marshall
29. Warren Gamaliel Harding 1921-1923 Republican Calvin Coolidge
30. Calvin Coolidge 1923-1929 Republican Charles G. Dawes (1925-1929)
31. Herbert Clark Hoover 1929-1933 Republican Charles Curtis
32. Franklin Delano Roosevelt 1933-1945 Democrat John N. Garner (1933-1941);
Henry A. Wallace (1941-1945);
Harry S. Truman (1945)
33. Harry S. Truman 1945-1953 Democrat Alben W. Barkley (1949-53)
34. Dwight David Eisenhower 1953-1961 Republican Richard M. Nixon
35. John Fitzgerald Kennedy 1961-1963 Democrat Lyndon Baines Johnson
36. Lyndon Baines Johnson 1963-1969 Democrat Hubert H. Humphrey (1965–1969)
37. Richard Milhous Nixon 1969-1974 Republican Spiro T. Agnew (1969-73);
Gerald R. Ford (1973-74)
38. Gerald Rudolph Ford 1974-1977 Republican Nelson Rockefeller (1974 -1977)
39. James Earl Carter, Jr. 1977-1981 Democrat Walter Mondale (1977-1981)
40. Ronald Wilson Reagan 1981-1989 Republican George Herbert Walker Bush
41. George Herbert Walker Bush 1989-1993 Republican J. Danforth Quayle
42. William Jefferson Clinton 1993-2001 Democrat Albert Gore, Jr.
43. George Walker Bush 2001-2009 Republican Richard B. Cheney
44. Barack Hussein Obama 2009- Democrat Joseph R. Biden, Jr.

Pop Quiz!

If ( x 1, y 1) and ( x 2, y 2) were ordered pairs belonging to the direct variation y varies directly with x, then which of the following could be a proportion that can be used to find one of the unknowns when the other three are known?

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