Subject Pronouns


je = I
nous = we
tu = you
vous = you (plural)
il = he or it
ils = they (masculine)
elle = she or it
elles = they (feminine)
on = one, you, we, or they

Direct Object Pronouns in French

  singular plural
1st person me [m'] nous
2nd person te [t'] vous
3rd person (masculine) le [l'] les
3rd person (feminine) la [l'] les

Indirect Object Pronouns

  singular plural
1st person me [m'] nous
2nd person te [t'] vous
3rd person lui leur

Essential Words and Phrases

The following chart lists the words and phrases you'll use most frequently when speaking French. Use it as a quick reference guide.

French English
Bonjour. Hello.
Au revoir. Good-bye.
Je m'appelle . . . My name is . . .
Comment vous appelez-vous? What's your name?
Comment allez-vous? How are you?
Pardon. Excuse me.
Désolé(e). I'm Sorry
Je me suis égaré(e). I'm lost.
Oú est . . .? Where is . . .?
. . . l'arrêt de bus? . . . the bus stop?
. . . la station de metro? . . . the subway station?
. . . la gare? . . . the train station?
. . . le commissariat de police? . . . the police station?
. . . l'ambassade américaine? . . . the American Embassy?
J'ai perdu . . . I've lost . . .
. . . mon portefeuille. . . . my wallet.
. . . mon passeport. . . . my passport.
. . . mon argent. . . . my money.
. . . ma carte de crédit. . . . my credit card.
Aidez-moi, s'il vîus plaît. Help me, please.
Parlez plus lentement. Speak more slowly.
Je ne vous comprends pas. I don't understand you.
Comment dit-on . . . en français? How do you say . . . in French?
Quelle heure est-il? What time is it?
Parlez-vous anglais? Do you speak English?

Important Signs

When you understand signs, you're less likely to endanger yourself or commit a faux pas (a mistake). Use the following guide to help you understand what the most common signs indicate.

French English
À Louer For Rent
Ascenseur Elevator
À Vendre For Sale
Dames Ladies
Défense D'Entrer? Do Not Enter
Défense De Cracher No Spitting
Défense De Fumer No Smoking
Défense De Marcher sur L'Herbe. Don't Walk on the Grass
Eau Non Potable Don't Drink the Water
Eau Potable Fresh Water
École School
Entrée Interdite No Entrance
Entrée Libre Free Admission
Fermé Closed
Hommes Men
Libre Free/unoccupied
Ne Pas Toucher Don't Touch
Non-fumeurs Non Smokers
Ouvert Open
Poussez Push
Renseignements Information
Sens Unique One Way
Soldes Sales
Sortie Exit
Tirez Pull

Pop Quiz!

Which of the following equations is an example of y varies directly with x?


I've screwed up horribly this semester. I always say I'm going to change my habits, but I always end up getting lazy and doing something else. I want to succeed, but how can I get rid of my own laziness?

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