CliffsNotes, Graduation Debt, and the Color of Money

cliffsadmin June 9, 2014


The Washington Post’s Michelle Singletary has picked Reyna Gobel’s CliffsNotes: Graduation Debt: How to Manage Student Loans and Live Your Life as the Color of Money pick for the month of June – for the second time!

Read more from Singletary here and be sure to join in on July 3 for a live online discussion about graduation debt with Singletary and Gobel! Send your comments about your student loan situation to

One final CliffsNotes for recent grads — on paying off student loans

By Michelle Singletary

The music has stopped, the cap and gown have been packed away, and now the work begins. But not the work you think.

Now you have to work on getting rid of your student loan debt. So where do you start?

“If you pay your student loan bills every month, and then try to forget the giant pile of debt to which your loans are attached — stop,” writes Reyna Gobel in “CliffsNotes: Graduation Debt: How to Manage Student Loans and Live Your Life,” which is the Color of Money pick for this month — again.

Given the complexity of the rules around student loans, having CliffsNotes helps. Gobel gets you started with recommending that borrowers create a chart of their debt. From there her book covers a lot of territory, including defining loan terms, information on consolidating your loans, the difference between federal and private loans, various repayment options, budgeting, and strategies to pay your loans off early.

Read posts by Reyna Gobel:

Finding your Federal Student Loans

How to Find $200 in Your Budget for Your Student Loan Payment

Should you use tax refund money to repay student loans?

What current college students should know to reduce student loan debt.

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