CliffsNotes to Read Before Watching the Movie

CliffsNotes December 15, 2014


CliffsNotes to Read Before Watching the Movie

You’ve heard the advice before. “Read the book before you see the movie.”

And yes, many times not only is it helpful to read the book prior to seeing the movie, but the book is usually better. However, we can’t always read everything we’d like to and somehow skimming a book isn’t quite up to snuff.

Here’s a better solution for you: read the CliffsNotes before seeing the movie. You’ll know major characters, plotlines, important quotes, and background. So here are our top CliffsNotes to read before seeing the film or television counterpart.


1. The Great Gatsby: We’ll see anything with Leo, but even the should-be-Oscar-winner can’t provide everything the book does.

The Great Gatsby Book Summary

2. The Giver: You probably read it in middle school and have warm and fuzzy feelings attached to this book. Check out our summary before tuning in.

3. Mockingjay: Remind yourself why you were so obsessed with The Hunger Games and refresh your mind about the third installment before the catching the movie in theaters.

4. Pride and Prejudice: Before Kiera Knightley starred in this fab movie, the book was even more fab. 200 years of fabulousness cannot be beaten!

Pride and Prejudice Book Summary

5. Romeo and Juliet: Yeah yeah yeah – you know the story. You’ve seen the Leo and Claire version (we like Leo) and perhaps the newer and less known Hailee Steinfeld version. BUT! you only think you know the story. Check out this CliffsNotes to understand the full story.

6. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest: An oldie, but a goodie. The 1975 film won Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor, Best Actress and Best Adapted Screenplay (only one of three movies to ever accomplish this). Arm yourself with the CliffsNotes before delving into this one.

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Book Summary

7. Les Miserables: Before you watch Anne Hathaway belt it out and Hugh Jackman (attempt to) do the same, familiarize yourself with the storyline first. You’ll thank us later.

8. Life of Pi: Yes the movie includes a real tiger but the book is packed with epic drama – not one to miss.

Life of Pi Book Summary


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