Character Analysis Enobarbus


Enobarbus is Antony's most devoted friend; he is so loyal and so trusted, in fact, that he is able to comment freely, even when he feels critical of Antony. And he has much to be critical of, for he can reason in situations when Antony's sense of reason deserts him. When Antony is torn by indecision, Enobarbus speaks up; he says what he feels should be done and, most important, he is not blinded, as Antony is, by an all-consuming infatuation with Cleopatra.

Enobarbus often serves the function of the commentator. He can move about freely, he sees much that occurs among the heads of state, and thus he forms his own conclusions, which he shares with his comrades and the audience. He is a cynic of sorts, whom neither power nor love impresses. His only mistake, seemingly, is in deserting Antony when it becomes clear Antony will lose the war. Not surprisingly, Antony's generosity to his former friend so shames him that he takes his own life.

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