Study Help Practice Projects


1. Enact in class a scene in which the mature Equality 7-2521, protected by devices powered by electricity, confronts the World Council. What would he say to them? How would they respond?

2. Create a dialogue among students between Equality 7-2521 and other great creative minds of history who have been persecuted, such as Socrates, Galileo, Darwin, and Pasteur. Research some of these accomplished thinkers and, with students in the role of each, discuss with Equality 7-2521 the hardships of thinking innovatively in a society hostile to new ideas.

3. Create a Web site to introduce Anthem to other readers. Design pages to explain the novel's theme to your audience and invite other readers to post their thoughts on the book.

4. Hold a debate in class with Equality 7-2521 and the Golden One on one side and the Councils on the other. What points would the Councils make in defense of collectivism? What points would Equality 7-2521 and the Golden One make in defense of individualism?

5. Discuss in class the contemporary relevance of Anthem's theme. Are there countries founded on collectivist premises that are similar to those shown in the book? If so, what are conditions like in those countries? Are there countries founded on the individualist premises held by Equality 7-2521 and the Golden One? If so, what are conditions like in those countries? Which type of society would you rather live in, and why?

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