Study Help Essay Questions


1. Why does Bertram refuse to marry Helena?

2. How is it possible that Helena is able to cure the king of France of his malady?

3. Why is Parolles considered to be a poor companion for Bertram?

4. What are the two "tasks" that Helena must accomplish before Bertram is willing to recognize her as his wife?

5. How does the ring of the king of France figure into the plot?

6. For whom does Helena weep early in the play?

7. Comment on the effect of the "gloomy mood" during the first scene of this play.

8. What role does "honor" play in the lives of Helena, Bertram, Parolles, the king of France, and Diana?

9. There is a good deal of sexual wordplay in the comedy; what are the reactions of Helena and the Countess?

10. Characterize the Countess' attitude toward Bertram.

11. Why is the guise of a religious pilgrim especially apt for Helena?

12. Explain the "resurrection theme" in this play.

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